Kirsten’s New York Minute: Fighting a national abortion ban

Welcome to Kirsten’s New York Minute!

Here’s what she’s been up to this week:

1. Standing up for reproductive rights

The threat of a national abortion ban is real.

Following reporting that Donald Trump supports a national abortion ban, Kirsten joined Governor Hochul to stand up for reproductive freedom and remind New Yorkers that reproductive rights are at risk. 

Kirsten is fighting to certify and publish the Equal Rights Amendment to enshrine women’s equal rights in the Constitution and protect every American’s right to bodily and reproductive autonomy.

2. Weekend with NY legislators

This past weekend, Kirsten joined the NYS Association of Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislators (NYSABPRHAL) for their Annual Legislative Conference in Albany to have conversations and learn more about their commitment to serving communities across New York.

3. Supporting New York’s kids

Kirsten is committed to providing resources to programs that empower children in New York.

This week, she visited the South End Children's Café in Albany to see how the program for at-risk kids is addressing youth hunger and keeping kids engaged in afterschool activities.

4. ATTN: Government and nonprofit leaders

Every year, Kirsten submits funding requests to the Senate Appropriations Committee for state and local community projects across New York. This money helps fund everything from the development of affordable child care facilities to mental health services to ecosystem restoration – and much more.

Ahead of the fiscal year 2025 appropriations process, she’s soliciting input from New York government and nonprofit leaders seeking funding for their projects.

Appropriations requests can be submitted here until Wednesday, March 13 at 11:59pm ET.

Questions? Contact

5. ATTN: New York Ag Community

It’s not too late to sign up. On Wednesday, February 28th, Kirsten will be hosting her virtual Farm Day. The event is a unique opportunity for New York farmers, ranchers, growers, producers, vintners, and brewers to connect with USDA officials and members of Congress.

The virtual Farm Day will offer firsthand experience as to the vital role our farmers play in shaping policy and how the 2024 Farm Bill will benefit New York farmers. Attendees will have the chance to engage with other farmers, learn a brief history of the Farm Bill, interact with high-level USDA officials, and learn more about what Kirsten is fighting for in the 2024 Farm Bill.

Interested in participating? Click here to sign up.  

Questions? Email

6. Passports for New Yorkers

When a constituent needed to urgently renew his passport or risk canceling an important trip, he contacted Kirsten’s office for help. Kirsten’s team worked directly with the agency, and he got his passport in time to travel as planned.

Individual casework is Kirsten’s top priority. If you need help with a federal agency, contact her here.


Arizona Labor Dispatch, Vol. 2, Issue 107


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