Heidi Tabing
The voice of our English intros and outro. Wonderful to work with, super talented in what she does. You can find more info about her here.
Various Fiverr Artists
I have had nothing but good experiences working with people on Fiverr. Svana helped with the B-Sides logos; I worked with Ravindu for our Boxing en Español logo; GeeksDigital did our Ultimate F’n Casual logo; Rameen made the wonderful LVX crown; I tapped Joaquin for our Boxing en Español intro music and Raiquen for the B-Sides intro; lastly was StomeFiber_09 for the Wayside logo.
Elizabeth Garcia Garcia
I can’t find a good photo to put up here for her, but she did our voice work for the Spanish language content. Excellent to work with.
The second key is Love.